
These are videos and resources that I hope will help facilitate the power of your compassionate connections.

The Health Clinic of the Future

As artificial intelligence gets smarter, we will need less medical technicians. The doctor of the future will need to be trained in the Compassionate Connection that is uniquely human.

The Motivating Question

What do you want your health for?

To explore your own health journey, consider writing down the answers to these three questions: The 3 W’s:

  • Why: Why do you want to be healthy?
  • Where: Where do you need to start?
  • Who: Who do you need support and guidance from?

The 3 W’s explained:

Why? The Why drives behavior by defining what gives life meaning and purpose. This is a key first step as health is mainly influenced by what we do. Having a why motivates the action towards a healthy path.

Where? Medical research has defined 8 core areas of health that every human needs to be healthy. You are your own best physician and know best where you need to start. Choose one or two areas to focus that will help you get to your why.

1. Working the Body (energy and flexibility)
2. Recharge (sleep and refresh)
3. Food and Drink (nourish and fuel)
4. Personal Development (personal life and work life)
5. Family, Friends and Coworkers (relationships)
6. Spirit and Soul (growing and connecting)
7. Surroundings (physical and emotional)
8. Power of the Mind (relaxing and healing)

Note: Our team at the University of Wisconsin started working with the national VA Health care system to develop this mode in 2013l. Tracy Gaudet (VA) and Adam Rindfleisch (UW) and multiple national partners are introducing this process for our veterans.

Who? It is difficult to do this health journey alone. We often need the support of others to get to where we want to go. Who do you need? This may be a health professional, clergy, family member or a best friend. Asking Who, creates your supportive health team that will help you achieve your health goal.

The Art of the Connection

The 3 Ps: Pause, Be Present and then Proceed towards Health

A Facebook video from Psychologies Magazine about The Compassionate Connection and the Three Ps. Watch video »

1. The Pause

James Finley on the Pause

Buscemi on Therapeutic Thresholds

2. Presence

Finley on the Importance of Presence

Focus on one thing well (The Almonds)

Being present by “dropping in”

3. Proceed Towards Health

Katharine Bonus tells a story of the power of pausing and being present that proceeds to a healthy transition

Maintaining Resiliency in this Work

From a Circle of Suffering to a Circle of Meaning

Keeping one foot in your circle of meaning

Finley describes the therapeutic dance